Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

The requirement for local trustee for Slovakian domain names will be removed!

.SK Local requirements removed the registry for .sk, the ccTLD of Slovakia, have announced changes to the restrictions for .sk.
Beginning 31 May 2017 the restriction that the registrant has to be local in Slovakia will be removed. In addition, since local trustees will no longer be necessary the registry will no longer allow WHOIS protection or local trustees. The WHOIS details must reflect the details of the registrant. When registering a .sk domain, private persons will have to fill his/her date of birth (this will not be shown on the WHOIS record). Legal persons and companies will have to fill in its ID (VAT number).
If you are currently using Ports Group Local Presence service for your .sk domain, we will work with you over the coming weeks to update the information on the registration.

If you have any questions about these policy changes, please email us at


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