Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

Release of .se one-character domain names

.SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) has decided to allow registration of .se domain names with only one character.

The most attractive domain names will be released through an auction on Tradera, which begins on May 28 and ends on June 10. The 18 .se domains up for auction are,,, å.se, ä.se, ö.se, é.se, ü.se and ‐ Note that .SE is not releasing,,,… (and others), as these are used as master domains according to an old policy from the time when registrations under domains’ county letters( were allowed. Although this was some years ago, it is not possible to enter new registrations of domains under a master domain as many existing domains remain, and these domains may survive for as long as they are renewed.

Other one‐character domains are released according to the first come, first serve principle on the morning of May 27.

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