Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

.ONLINE to be the most popular new top level domain?

For the past 2 Years 747 ngTLDs have been launched and over 7 million domain names are currently registered in these 747 top domains. So far 1,1 million of the registrations are in the .XYZ domain.

.ONLINE had just over 28 000 registrations in the first 30 seconds of general availability. 1130 domain names were registered at high fees in the early access period, the days just prior to general launch.

Many of the new domains have measured success in the first hours after launch but .ONLINE has continued in a steady manner to add volume to its registrations. 7 days into general launch .ONLINE has 50 000 domain registrations. In comparison it took .CLUB 13 days, .LONDON 2 months and .EMAIL 12 months to reach 50 000 registrations. .XYZ gave names away for free at launch and do not have reliable results to compare.

Germany is so far .ONLINEs biggest market and holds 1/3 of the registrations followed but US at 18% and UK at 7 %. The extension has a wide geographic spread with registrations from all leading global markets

.ONLINE is ranking 25th in volume of all ngTLDs launched to date.

At Domaininfo we have noticed a buzz around and a large interest in this domain name and expects .ONLINE to be one of the more successful new top level domains.

Understood across the world, .online stands for ‘being connected on the internet’. There are more than 700,000 domain names that end with the string ‘online’ making the case that customers love the string ‘online’ already!

.ONLINE is open for all without restrictions and Domaininfo are accepting applications. Enter your wanted domain name in the search field at and check if your brand names and favorite wordings are still available for registrations.

To learn more or to get help with your applications please contact us at, +46 31 7202010 or connect with us through our chat available at

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