Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

34581 trademarks submitted to the Trademark Clearinghouse database.

As of 4 February there are now 34581 registered trademarks in the Trade Mark Clearinghouse database. Of these trademarks there are:

50,09% submitted for multiple years.

94,7& of these trademarks has been verified.

85,81% is registered by agents to the The Trademark Clearinghouse.

There are marks form 108 countries and covering 118 jurisdisctions.

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is the most important rights protection mechanism built into ICANN’s new gTLD program. Its’ a centralized database of verified trademarks, that is connected to each and every new Top Level Domain (TLD) that will launch. By submitting your trademark to TMCH you will be able to participate in every sunrise for the NewGtld:s. Registration of your trademark in the TMCH database also give you notification if someone wants to register in these NewGtld:s.

Domaininfo AB is an valid agent to the The Trademark Clearinghouse and we can help you secure your trademarks in the database so that you will be aware of any possible infringement of your trademark in a NewGtld.

If you have any questions or want to register your trademark in the TMCH please contact us at:

+46.317202030 or

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