Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

.IE Releases One & Two-Character Domains!

Registered trademark holders can now apply to register one and two letter domains for their trademarks. There will be three phases, sunrise, landrush and general availability.

Sunrise (November 16th 2015 to December 16th 2015)

During sunrise trademark holders can apply for a one or two letter .ie domain that corresponds exactly to their registered mark. Instances where multiple eligible applications are received for a single domain name will be resolved by use of an auction scenario. Where only one eligible application is received for a one or two letter .ie domain registration will granted to the sole eligible applicant at the end of the Sunrise process.

Landrush (21 February 2016)

Once the Sunrise phase and related auctions have been completed any one and two letter .ie domain names not already registered will be available to all interested parties who can satisfy the standard registration criteria. Please note that premium pricing will apply due to expected high levels of demand. Instances where multiple eligible applications are received for a single domain name will be resolved by the use of an auction.

General Availability

One and two letter .ie domain names that are not registered in either the Sunrise or Landrush phases will then be available to the general public for registration on a first come first served basis, in accordance with the standard registration requirements.


Please note that a number of domains will be restricted from registration on the grounds that the IEDR, in its role of managing the .ie namespace, and protecting its integrity and reputation, has elected to prohibit the registration of the domains,,,,,,,,,,,, and, on the grounds that they may be used for future commercial use by the Registry or their registration could lead to confusion, or be misleading to the Consumer/Internet Community.

If you are interested please contact us to get full details about trademark eligibility for the sunrise phase or have questions regarding the auction phase or the standard registration requirements.


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