Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

Cost efficient domain name protection!

Three of the largest new top level domain registries has created a new domain name blocking tool. Many clients prefer to avoid defensive registrations but these services offer some economies of scales and are worth considering for key brands. The service is offered by three new gTLD providers; Donuts (covering 172 TLDs) Rightside (covering 36 TLDs) and Minds & Machines (covering 16 TLDs)

The blocking tool allows trademark owners to block their marks and related terms, at the second level, in all supported new gTLDs, for one fee per registry. The service is designed to be an economical way for trademark owners to protect their rights from cybersquatters. With the block it is not necessary for trademark owners to take out defensive registrations in each of the three providers TLDs

In order to obtain a block, the term you want to block must be based on a trademark validated by the Trademark Clearinghouse. Domaininfo offers trademark registrations and Trademark Clearinghouse.

Domain names included in the block is not functional, it may not be used for websites, e-mail address or other DNS-related functionality. You do however have the option of unblocking a particular domain name for use, while leaving the term blocked.

Block services are also offered on a few specific TLDs such as .sucks, .adult and .porn.

Domain blocking is a worthwhile consideration for brand and trademark owners. It offers a simple, cost-effective and flexible way to protect trademarks across new gTLDs


Domain Name Watch

Domain Name Watch keeps you updated and identifies domain name registrations that infringe your trademarks, company names and product names.

Searches are carried out for all identical names, as well as for similar spellings, incorrect spellings and phonetic variations. Searches are carried out continuously on most top-level domains on the internet, and reports are issued regarding domain names based on the search word(s) you have chosen. A report on the searches will be delivered once a week or month, depending on your wishes.

To request a consultation regarding the blocking tools available, please contact us at

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